
miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017

Descarga libros de Julio Cortázar

¡Hola! Luego de publicar varios enlaces a libros en inglés, he vuelto  las raíces con un enlace para las obras de nuestro amado Julio Cortázar.

A manera de resumen, Cortázar nació en Bruselas en 1914. Trabajó como docente en Argentina y luego fijó su residencia definitiva en París, desde donde desarrolló una obra literaria única dentro de la lengua castellana. Algunos de sus cuentos se encuentran entre los más perfectos del género. Su novela Rayuela conmocionó el panorama cultural de su tiempo y marcó un hito insoslayable dentro de la narrativa contemporánea.

Obviamente, dicho enlace cuenta con esa maravillosa obra titulada Rayuela.

¿Qué encontrarás en este enlace?

  • Bestiario, 1951
  • Final del juego, 1956
  • Las armas secretas, 1959
  • Todos los fuegos el fuego, 1966
  • Octaedro, 1974
  • Alguien que anda por ahí, 1977
  • Queremos tanto a Glenda, 1980
  • Deshoras, 1982
  • La otra orilla, 1995 (obra póstuma, concluida en 1945).
  • Historias de cronopios y de famas, 1962
  • Un tal Lucas, 1979
  • Divertimento, 1949 (publicada póstumamente en 1986).
  • El examen, 1950 (publicada póstumamente en 1986).
  • Diario de Andrés Fava, 1950 (publicado póstumamente en 1986).
  • Los premios, 1960
  • Rayuela, 1963
  • 62 Modelo para armar, 1986
  • Libro de Manuel, 1973
¿Cómo descargar?
Fácil. Haz clic acá y serás redireccionado a una página donde encontrarás los pdf de las obras antes mencionadas, junto con otros artículos publicados por Cortázar. Espero sea de utilidad.

Download for free: The Cambride History of American Foreign Relations

The Creation of a Republican Empire traces American foreign relations from the colonial era to the end of the Civil War, paying particular attention not only to the diplomatic controversies of the era but also to the origins and development of American thought regarding international relations. The primary purpose of the book is to describe and explain, in the diplomatic context, the process by which the United States was born, transformed into a republican nation, and extended into a continental empire. Central to the story are the events surrounding the American Revolution, the Constitutional Convention, the impact on the United States of the European wars touched off by the French Revolution, the Monroe Doctrine, the expansionism of the 1840s, and the ordeal of the Civil War.


1 - The Canvas and the Prism
2. The Birth of American Diplomacy
3. The Constitution
4. Federalist Diplomacy: Realism and Anglophilia
5. Jefferson and Madison: The Diplomacy of Fear and Hope
6. To the Monroe Doctrine
7. Manifest Destiny
8. Britain, Canada and the United States
9. The Republican Empire
Bibliographic Essay


DOWNLOAD BOOK: Cambridge History of Christianity

The Cambridge History of Christianity will provide the first complete chronological account of the development of Christianity in all its aspects – theological, social, political, regional, global – from the time of Christ to the present day. 

This ambitious project in nine volumes will connect the institutional history of the churches with the study of systematic and applied (pastoral) theology, and will cover popular piety and non-formal expressions of Christian faith as well as the more formal. The sociology of Christian formation, worship and devotion will be placed in a broad cultural context, and proper attention will be paid throughout to issues of spirituality and the spiritual content of Christianity's development.

This is not a history merely of Western Christianity. Into the study of the early church and beyond, consideration of Eastern and Coptic Christianity will be properly integrated; and later, African, Far Eastern, New World, South Asian and other non-European developments in Christianity will receive proper coverage. The relations between Christianity and Islam, Christianity and Hinduism, and Christianity and Judaism will be kept in sight.

 Each of the nine volumes will be of value as a free-standing contribution within its own period; and when complete, The Cambridge History of Christianity will constitute one of the major works of academic reference of our times.

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